When I was growing up its seems like the male star in a movie always had a little black book with Very Important Information in it -like the leading lady's telephone number! lol
Well, my little book doesn't have telephone numbers but it is indispensable to me when it comes to keeping records about my paintings. Each day before I begin to paint I write the date on a new page. Then I note any other important information like the size and type of support I'm using, whether its toned and if so with what color. Then I write a sentence or two about the subject I've chosen. As I work and make decisions I note the colors used and any unusual techniques. While I'm working I usually have possible titles or fragments of "big thoughts" that run through my head so I write those down - usually when I'm stepping back anyway to see things from a distance and deciding how to proceed. Writing down my concept or dream of what this painting should say can help me get back on track sometimes. Often while I'm painting I'll be listening to music and hear a song with lyrics that seem like they would be the perfect title. If I didn't write that down immediately I'd probably never remember.
After the painting is dry and signed and has passed the "is it good enough to frame" test I use my little book to transfer the pertinent information (title, size, dated created etc.) to my Documentation Book which contains a thorough record of all my paintings. Since I've been keeping records at least.
One last good thing about my little book is how helpful it can be when I'm having one of THOSE days..... You know the kind. When you feel like you're no good to anyone and have never accomplished anything worthwhile. I can riffle through its pages and feel encouraged at the number of paintings I've done and realize the progress I've made since I began this journey. So you might want to try keeping a little record book like this yourself if you're an artist- or even if you're not! Do you keep a painting (or other type) journal? Share your experience below in a comment- I'd love to hear about it!

"First Light" an original oil painting by Bonnie Mason
I'll be exhibiting this painting and quite a few others at Art on the Lawn at the Giles County Courthouse in Pearisburg this Saturday, September 19th from 9 to 4 pm. It should be a beautiful sunny day with lots of good music and art. I'd love to see you there!